Industry use audience segmentation as a way of categorising groups. Segments are identified as:
· Region – Our video is going to be available to watch all over the world, so our audience is based over a big region. This will benefit the video, artist and genre of music as it will promote all three over a large scale. After watching the video people may want to find out more about the artist, and may wish to look for them in the future. This could also be the same case for the genre of music because if they like it they will want to find out more about it and maybe research some other artists in the same genre
· Age – Our video is going to be aimed towards a target audience of teenagers, more specifically people between the ages of thirteen and twenty. This is because it relates to teenagers issues that are going on in today’s society
· Ethnicity – Our video is going to be aimed towards white British teenagers but it can be viewed by anyone who wants to view it. This is because stereotypically other ethnicities don’t really listen to acoustic music
· Gender – Our video is mainly aimed towards the female gender as they can relate more to the meaning of the song, but it can be watched by males if they wish too
· Generation – Our video is going to be aimed towards the younger generation, teenagers, as they would prefer it and it relates to their lives. However, I’m sure the older generation would like to watch our video too
· Social class – Our video is going to be aimed towards people who are middle class. This is because it is more appealing to them, and does not really appeal to people who are in lower classes
Psychographic (based on inner qualities of a person)
· Personality – Our video is going to be aimed towards people who are calm and laid back. This is because this directly represents the genre of our music video, acoustic. Another personality trait that our audience may have would be romantic. The song we have chosen has got a romantic edge to and so, our audience will be able to relate and follow what is going on in the video.
Psychographic variables - Psychographic variables often relate to the aspirations of consumers
The psychographic variables that we have chosen for our video are:
· Puritans – These are people who wish to feel virtuous.
· Utopians – These are people who want the world to be a better place
We have chosen these variables as we feel that the mood of our video would appeal to people who are laid back. The artist in our video does not go out of her way to get what she wants and doesnt do anything nasty to get it.
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