Monday, 4 October 2010

CD Analysis 1

Jimi Hendrix – The ultimate experience

The name of the album and artist are in white to make them stand out from the background. The name of the artist is done like a signature to give it a sense of personal contact with the artist. The name of the album is in a normal font which is a complete contrast to the cover and the name of the artist which could show that it isn't as important as the others as they themselves stand out on their own.
This album looks like it has been done using photo editing software to change the original picture, by altering the saturation, hue, etc., to make it more colourful and to make it stand out a lot more. Also it represents the genre of music more than the original picture would have.
The name of this album, The Ultimate Experience, has been used as it is a compilation of all of the artist best songs. ‘Ultimate Experience’ suggests that listeners will get the best out of this album.
This CD cover, Jimi Hendrix, is very colourful and eye catching which will make it noticeable when on a shelf. The colours are quite unusual colours, like an hallucination, which makes it different to all other albums and makes it one of a kind. Also the colours represents the genre of music he plays, blues rock/psychedelic rock.
The picture on the front of the album is of the artist, Jimi Hendrix, so that people know what he looks like and to let people know that the music on this album is by him. It is in the centre of the cover and is the main focus point of the album which grabs people’s attention the most. Also the faded background makes it stand out even more.

1 comment:

  1. A sound analysis and awareness of the typography, the background picture also has connotations of pride as he has his arm across his chest, reminiscent of the pledge of allegiance. Also the colours have an aged, possibly retro feel, suggesting the era of when the music originated. Well done.
