Monday, 4 October 2010

Tour Poster Analysis 1

Tour Poster Analysis
Arctic monkeys

The first thing that is noticed on this poster is the monkeys face in the middle, which relates directly to the bands name, arctic monkeys. Also the monkey being in white and blue can be connected to the bands name. White and blue can be related to ‘cold’ which again links directly to the bands name. The brown background contrasts with the monkey and writing, as they are in blue/white, which makes them stand out and makes them more noticeable to passers by. The colours that have been used are colours that are not commonly used as they are not bright bold colours which will immediately grab the audience’s attention. But the contrast between the colours is what makes it stand out and a good eye catching tour poster. The font that the artists name has been written in is quite a simple font but still very effective. It is in keeping with the style of the poster and is not an eye sore. Also it is simple enough to read from a distance so that a person automatically knows who the poster is for. The date of the tour is again easily visible so that people will be able to read easily from a distance. This tour poster is different to others that I have seen as it is like a cartoon. Being different from other tour posters will make this on stand out and more people will notice it.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis of the image and band name connotations, however what other information does the tour poster provide for the audience and why is this information there?
