Monday, 4 October 2010

Music Video Analysis 2

Music video analysis
Caspa & Mr Hudson – Love never dies

At the start of the video we see a man, Mr Hudson, standing in the middle of a park. The camera pans from left to right around him while he is looking up at the sky. It then cuts to a close up of him but still panning, it cuts to the close up when he starts singing. It then fades out to a long shot but from behind, and again it is panning. This could be used to show the he is reminiscing on old times, also the fact that he is alone could represent that it is a personal memory. Also the lyrics ‘I still hear you, I still see you, When I close my eyes, I could still feel you’ could show he is remembering one particular person he used to know, or maybe love. It then fades to a shot of a group of teenagers walking through the same park he is standing in. He could be part of this group and remembering what it was like when he was younger. The boy at the front has a bandage on so he could be thinking about a certain incident. During the next 10 seconds it fades to different shots and angles of the group to help the audience realise that it is a memory. After a short while the camera starts to look up towards the sky and another image starts to fade in. It is a close up of kids playing football. The movement towards the sky could show a difference in time, or again another memory. At this point the music starts to build up from a serene piano to more a up beat synthesiser. This could signify a change in the story line and also the progression through the song. After a few seconds the singing starts again and the first lines are ‘we must have sat upon an old bench’ and the video shows a boy sitting on a bench drink a bottle of coke. This shows a direct link between the lyrics and the video. In the next line it makes a reference to ‘football’ and it cuts to the kids playing football, again showing a direct link between the lyrics and video. After a while a boy pulls up on a push bike and all the kids stop what they are doing and run over to him. This could show that they all look up to him or that he is part of there group. He then rides off and all the kids are cheering, but then they stop and looked shocked. It cuts to a shot of the boy and the bike on the floor and all of the other kids helping him up. All of them walk of into the distance as a big group. It then cuts to a shot of a teenage boy sitting on the bench drinking out of a can. Also it shows a group of teenagers playing football. This leads us to believe that it is the same group of people just a couple of years on. It also shows the two girls who are platting each other s hair, but now one of them is pregnant. It also shows the two kids who were playing tig around the tree, but they are now kissing. It then cuts to a shot of a man on a motorbike, the same boy that was on the push bike. The same thing happens to him as it did on the push bike. This shows that no matter how old you are people will still look out for you and help whatever happens. This refers to the title of the song ‘love never dies’ as the kids did exactly the same thing now as they did when they were younger. All the way through the video it cuts between this storyline and the artists riding push bike through a village. This could represent the movement from being young to becoming a teenager but how your instincts are still the same.

1 comment:

  1. Impressive analysis, I will mark these this weekend, when you get a chance can you do your post on the group changes! Funky background :-)
